Citizenly university: discovering champions


  • Antonio Aritan de Oliveira Ventura
  • Maíra da Rocha Melo Souza


University extension, Social vulnerability, Social inclusion


Citizenly University: Discovering Champions - CDCU was a university extension project created in 2009, aiming to develop citizen awareness and improving the quality of life of children and adolescents with relationship difficulties and social vulnerability. There were treated 60 children and adolescents aged 9 to 17 years, selected from the pre-established criteria decided with community leaders and public school principals of the communities Site Pintos, Sitio Sao Braz and Stream Fortuna, located in the vicinity of Federal Rural University of Pernambuco-UFRPE. This project sought to establish, for six months, a relationship between the government and civil society to promote social inclusion, citizenship and consequently the reduction of social inequalities through sports such as Taekwon-do, gymnastics, lectures, tours and classes crafts thereby promoting the welfare of the local community through affirmative action that minimized or solved the various stages of poverty and social vulnerability that some groups faced.





Experience Reports