Expansion of the access to Justice frontiers: focus on the Project Direito Perto de Casa


  • Paula Daniella Almeida Castro


Access to justice, Equality, Popular legitimacy


This paper presents an analysis of the current access to justice boundaries in Juazeiro (in the state of Bahia), from a monographic field study that had as locus the Extension Academic Project Law Near Home. The research followed the following problem: how the Project Law Near Home expands the boundaries of qualitative access to justice in Juazeiro City? It aimed to verify what the difficulties and opportunities faced by the project are. The theoretical studies circled Baumann (2003), Foucault (2005), Cappelletti and Barth (1988), in the field of Sociology, in addition to Silva (2008) and Lenza (2009), Constitutional Law theorists. The study was based on a descriptive study with qualitative and quantitative approach. The results showed that the qualitative project expands access to justice, on the other hand has the following problems: the lack of material resources, lack of technical skills of trainees and non-execution of the Legal Advice.




